Prayer, Compassion and Mission

As disciples of Christ, we are invited to grow in our likeness to Him through our thoughts, words, and actions. We should prioritize prayer, cultivate a compassionate heart, and pursue a mission in life.

How well do you really know the person of Jesus? Do we have a deep insight not only into His works and teachings but especially of His person, His character? If we really are His followers, then, let us become more and more like Him in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Jesus was: A man of prayer. A man of compassionate heart. A man with a mission. Consequently, we who follow Him must have prayer, a compassionate heart, and a mission in life.

Prayer. The Lord told His disciples who were so busy: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). This underlines the importance and necessity of prayer in a disciple’s life. Without prayer, we may become professionals and functionaries who end up living vain, empty, proud, compartmentalized, and transactional lives. Please remember that while the work of our hands is important, let us not forget the love in our hearts. We are not mercenaries; we are disciples and missionaries with a Master.

Compassionate Heart. When Jesus saw the vast crowd, “His heart was moved with pity.” Do not become arrogant, selfish, comfortable, and privileged disciples. More than our wisdom and eloquence, our people are looking for followers of Christ who have the time, the heart, the understanding, and the patience of Jesus. If we do not go the “extra mile” and give the “extra smile,” then who are we and what are we? Let’s stop being impressive, and start being expressive!

Mission. The whole life of Jesus was a mission to spread the Good News of the Father’s love. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that those who believe in Him may have eternal life” (John 3:16). We who follow Jesus must have a strong sense of mission to go to the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. What are you doing for the Lord? Is the Lord in your life agenda? What have you shared? What have you sacrificed for the Lord? Today, let us all pray: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15).

May people know, remember, or be reminded of God when they see, meet, or talk with us. May we bring God into our thoughts, words, and deeds. May we all continue in whatever way, to be witnesses of God’s presence and love in our present day and time.

More and more, may we see every moment as a GEM (God Encounter Moment), and may we all strive to be a GEM (God Encounter Maker? Medium?), and that’s how discipleship goes on and on. (Fr. Jerry M. Orbos)

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Father Javier Alvarado Ayala