Caring for the earth every day

It involves adopting sustainable practices and fostering an attitude of environmental stewardship. Here are some key points to guide one’s actions.

1. Care for the common home 

“Promote global solidarity in light of the fact that biodiversity is a global common good demanding a shared commitment. Give priority to people in situations of vulnerability, including those most affected by the loss of biodiversity, such as indigenous peoples, the elderly and the young.” (Pope Francis)

What concrete actions do you want to carry out to take care of your environment, which is also that of your brothers and sisters and the whole of creation?

2. Listening to the pain  

“Let us weep with the anguished plea of creation. Let us hear that plea and respond to it with deeds, so that we and future generations can continue to rejoice in the creation’s sweet song of life and hope.” (Pope Francis)

See in the pain of the environment and your brothers and sisters the opportunity to do something for them. What is within your reach?

3. Caring for life (Air, Water and Ling Being 

“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience.” (Pope Francis)

Do you express your faith and relationship with God by caring for and protecting the nature and people he gave you?

4. Personal commitment 

“As people of faith, we feel ourselves even more responsible for acting each day in accordance with the summons to conversion. Nor is that summons simply individual.” (Pope Francis)

Write a resolution expressing your desire to care for the environment and the people God has given you.

5. Mobilizing with Others 

“The ecological conversion needed to bring about lasting change is also a community conversion… This means ‘converting’ models of consumption and production, as well as lifestyles, in a way more respectful of creation and the integral human development of all peoples, present and future.” (Pope Francis)

How can you improve your consumption habits to minimize waste and reduce harm to the environment and others?

WHY Not? This can be for you

Any Questions? Keep in touch!

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Father Melaku Tafesse Amente