It is true that a vocation is a gift from God, but it presupposes a response on our part. Sister Sister Maria Victoria Acebes from Spain, tells us her vocation story.
When I finished my university studies and was teaching Continue reading →
Introduction: in this text of John 1:46-50, Nathanael comes to the scene. Philip found him after meeting and talking to Jesus, he was already living his vocation as an apostle “the messenger”, preaching and talking about Jesus to his friend Continue reading →
The final document of the synod on young people has been just released. The document consists of 3 parts, 12 chapters, 167 paragraphs and 60 pages. The Rapporteur General, Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha, said that it is “the result of Continue reading →
“I hope you can find that which gives your life deep meaning, something for which life is worth living, perhaps even dying for. Something which arouses your energy and enthusiasm and which allows you to continue on your path. I Continue reading →
The path of vocational discernment is challenging, made up of doubts, encounters and demands, because vocation is an experience of love and love is demanding.
“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? The Continue reading →
Seventy-year-old Father Michael Bossano’s solemn declaration sounds resolute. His streaks of white hair tell tales of many years spent travelling the world. For now, however, the soft-spoken Catholic priest has found his place in Malakal, a long way from the Continue reading →