After falling into a dark chasm, the author felt raised up and borne on the breath of dawn. Today he knows that God is holding him in the palm of his hands, and wants to share his joy.
Australian missionary Sr Pat Fox describes her experience of standing up to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and championing the poor. On November 3, she was expelled from the country.
My world turned upside down on 16th April, 2018, when Continue reading →
Brother Karl Gaspar, an award-winning writer, respected socio-anthropologist, theologian, interfaith scholar, and missionary from Davao City shares with us the reasons for his passion for Indigenous Peoples (IP) and his vocational option.
Introduction: in this text of John 1:43-45, we shall concentrate our attention to the person of Philip called by Jesus to become his forth apostle. Little is known of him in the synoptic gospels (Mathew, Mark, and Luke) but here Continue reading →
The Synod on youth which is taking place in Rome in these days , Tendai Karombo, chairperson of the National Catholic Youth Council in Zimbabwe, explains what are the challenges that face young people in the society and in Continue reading →
There are two fundamental aspects linked to the upcoming Synod of Bishops on young people and discernment which seem to have been omitted in many of our analyses, perhaps because of an over- simplification of the subject. First and foremost Continue reading →