While visiting the small hermitage of St Damiano, in Assisi (Italy) I heard that the Crucifix spoke to St Francis there and told him: “Build My house”. Those words resounded also inside my heart as I was a student in Continue reading →
For 35 years now, Grégoire Ahongbonon has been helping African mental patients, providing them with treatment care and work. In the final analysis: ‘They are no different from ourselves’.
Grégoire Ahongbonon, 65, originally from Benin, is no psychiatrist. He does Continue reading →
In view of the XV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to young people, to be held next October 2018, many local churches are organizing activities and events with the youth. A few examples.
Silence is essential for prayer, interior lives and personal sanctification. External silence is a powerful manifestation of a person’s serenity, calmness, tranquillity and peacefulness. A person who enjoys and keeps silence is a revered person and pleasant to deal with. Continue reading →
A text of John’s Gospel gives us the description of the first meeting of two disciples with Jesus. It is a classic, a must-read at the beginning of this series of meetings with Jesus and reflections on the missionary vocation Continue reading →
Comboni Father Seraphin Kakwata Congolese, share with us his experience among afro-descendent communities in S. Lorenzo parish, in the province of Esmeraldas.
In 2013, I was assigned to San Lorenzo, in the province of Esmeraldas, in the north-western Ecuador. I Continue reading →