In Ceará, one of the poorest states of Brazil, and one of the most violent in the world, Sister Francisca Erbenia de Sousa, head of Crateus Diocese, as always, fights alongside the people regarded as the least important in the Continue reading →
Comboni Missionary Father Mitiku Habbthe from Ethiopia, is working among the Turkana in the remote north-western part of Kenya, which is a semi-desert area. We share with us his experience.
Turkana region is located in the north-western part of Kenya Continue reading →
Sister Clara Nacy, of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Iraq,shares with us some of the challenges her people are continuing to face, as they return to their devastated homes and struggle to rebuild.
One of most important things for a happy meaningful life is to have a goal, a positive purpose that does good for others and for ourselves. It can be helping in the community, supporting in a shelter for the homeless, Continue reading →
To seek the meaning of life is to discern the vocation not only from what we are, but also from what we want to be. Only God gives us the gift of a meaning that goes beyond the troubled circumstances Continue reading →
Introduction: the next series of the “Lectio Divina” will be on the Gospel of St John which we will help us to reflect upon the themes of Faith, Knowledge and commitment to Jesus the Son of God. The aim of Continue reading →