She organized the women of La Toma and stopped illegal gold mining on their ancestral land. She has just received Goldman Environmental Prize winners for 2018.
Illegal gold mining is a growing problem in Colombia, where 80% of gold is Continue reading →
She worked with the landless and exploited farming families. She organised village women into self-help groups, and helped families establish savings accounts. Her activities were a thorn in the flesh of moneylenders, social exploiters and propertied upper castes, who hired Continue reading →
My name is Oswald Baptist Abakar Abushaka, originally from Wau Diocese in the South Sudan. I am a Comboni missionary priest. I come from a small South Sudanese ethnic community called Golo from an area called Abushaka.
The diocese of Moroto, in the north of Uganda has around 400,000 inhabitants of whom just over half are Catholics living in ten parishes and served by thirty-six priests. Since 2014, the diocese has been led by a Comboni bishop, Continue reading →
Introduction: The thirteenth ‘Lectio Divina’ on Mark 16:9-20. This is the final text of the series of reflections on “the Ideal discipleship” in the Gospel of Mark. This text will surprise us with the unexpected faithful disciples of Jesus who Continue reading →
The Spirit speaks and acts through the happenings in the life of each person, which in themselves are inexplicit or ambiguous, insofar as they are open to different interpretations. Discernment is required to reveal their meaning and to make a Continue reading →