We have faith in a merciful, healing and compassionate God. Painful conditions we might find ourselves in may not change overnight, but we believe in a God who helps us rediscover our worth in His love for us.
The encounters with the risen Christ take place upon the initiative of Jesus Who shows the Christian community how to be His witness in the world. An outstanding example is Jesus’ encounter with Peter who is rescued and given the Continue reading →
Introduction: our eleventh ‘Lectio Divina’ follows the topic of the previous month, from the same Gospel of Mark 14:10-11; 43-45. This texts illustrates one of the last set of failures by the disciples in the following of Jesus, the Messiah, Continue reading →
Introduction: our ninth ‘Lectio Divina’ follows the topic of the previous month, from the same Gospel of Mark 10:46-52. This text illustrates the blindness of the disciples of Jesus and the failures to believe in Him as the Messiah, the Continue reading →
Rádio Monte Roraima aims to inform listeners according to quality, impartiality and ethical standards, focusing on the least fortunate, human rights and the environment.
The day light is so bright, perhaps because the sky is clear or because the country Continue reading →