The Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Leguízamo–Solano was established only a few years ago . Msgr. Joaquín Humberto Pinzόn sent us some notes.
The Vicariate covers an immense territory of 64,912 square km inhabited by 56 thousand people, almost all Catholics. Continue reading →
The everyday simple gestures can create a spirit of trust and brotherhood among people of different religions. This is the experience of American Maryknoll missionary, Fr Bob McCahill. “The life of service to the sick-poor and the simplicity of lifestyle Continue reading →
According to the United Nation, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is ‘the worst place to be a woman’. But Neema Namadamu never questioned her faith, and became a source of inspiration. She told us her story.
A Sudanese University student Fatah Elalim brought back lessons to his community in Sudan’s Western Kordofan State, about dialogue as a way to transform local conflicts non-violently.
Fatah Elalim is a student at the University of Dalanj, located in the Continue reading →
One of the most exciting things about growing up is realizing just how much there is for us in life. “I want it all and I want it now”, just about sums it up.
The joy of life and of Continue reading →
There is a village at the gates of Jerusalem, on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, which still has a particular attraction to visitors. The Gospels register it with the name of Bethany, and Jesus took refuge there Continue reading →