For more than ten years Fondacio Asia, through formation programs for a diverse group of young people, helps them to be leaders of projects and missions for the Church and the society.
For some years now, a group of Comboni Missionaries has been present among the Ashaninka and Nomatsiguengas indigenous peoples in the Central Selva of Peru. In the area, there are also powerful Drug traffickers and terrorists.
She alternates her violet coloured sari with her black lawyer gown. And her daily prayer is followed by skillful oratory in the courtroom. Sister Theresa Joyce is a nun from the Congregation of St Anne’s Sisters, a diocesan order of Continue reading →
A small Comboni Missionary community lives and works on the outskirts of the Peruvian capital, Lima, among the poorest and most needy. They share their experience.
Pamplona Alta, on the outskirts of Lima, is home to 30 thousand people. This Continue reading →
A Comboni Missionary for more than thirty years, he defends the human rights of youths imprisoned in Brazilian prisons for minors.
Taking advantage of a pause in the incessant Autumn rains, I made my usual visit to the Educational Centre Continue reading →
The streets of Abidjan, the largest city of Ivory Coast, are home to around 30,000 boys and girls. The De La Salle Christian Brothers are committed to providing them with a home and dignity.
This year Leeds Trinity University is celebrating its Golden Jubilee. It used to be called Trinity and All Saints Teacher Training College and was founded in 1966. Since then, thousands of students have passed through this college and have contributed Continue reading →
Introduction: our second ‘Lectio divina’ follows the topic of the previous month which was dealt with discipleship in the gospel of Mark 1:14-16. This time the text is from the same Gospel chapter 3:13-19, the selection of the twelve apostles, Continue reading →
Addressing a crowd of over 3 million young people gathered on Copacabana beachfront for the concluding Mass of the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in August 2013, Pope Francis said: “What do I expect as a consequence Continue reading →