After years spent outside your country, it is not easy to adapt. “I struggle to recognize some things that have changed over time.” Sr. Benjamine Kimala Nanga, a Comboni Sister from Chad, explains to us why it is so.
“I believe that the Lord of the Mission who called me to follow Him is the same Lord who has been guiding and sustaining me throughout these years”. Fr. Moises Albarina, a Comboni Missionary from the Philippines shares his vocation Continue reading →
A Maryknoll sister reaches people with disabilities in East Timor’s remote communities.
At 52, Maryknoll Sister Hyunjung Kim is both youthful-looking and committed to religious life. Yet, in East Timor – a small nation on the island of Timor, north Continue reading →
“Day after day, through my commitment and all that I am, I try to participate in the building of the Church that I love so much as a religious and as a journalist”, Sister Elisabeth Tikabi, a Cameroonian Comboni Missionary, Continue reading →
Leaving the Church does not mean abandoning the faith; moving away from the faith does not mean giving up one’s spirituality. Even though they are leaving the Christian community, many young people continue to feel like believers.
O Lord, I cry for peace. Purify my eyes to see peace, Purify my mind to understand peace, Purify my heart to love peace, Purify my memory to work for peace; The peace that comes from Your love and compassion. Continue reading →
It is not easy to climb a mountain, but the climb itself is its reward. Don’t give up. Go slowly, step-by-step, one day at a time. Learn from the climb.
Luke shows us how the risen Lord is still present today in our lives as believers and how we can encounter Him. The two pilgrims symbolize the journey of the church. They change their hearts, faces, and paths when they Continue reading →