We can truly live a meaningful life under the guidance of Jesus. The three words that will help us achieve this objective are service, sacrifice, and sharing.
Someone once said: “We spend the first quarter of our lives learning how Continue reading →
This passage from St Luke’s Gospel presents Jesus’ proclamation of the living word of fraternity, from Nazareth to the Jordan and from the Jordan to the Cross.
In the power of the Spirit, Jesus begins his ministry and Continue reading →
After years spent outside your country, it is not easy to adapt. “I struggle to recognize some things that have changed over time.” Sr. Benjamine Kimala Nanga, a Comboni Sister from Chad, explains to us why it is so.
“I believe that the Lord of the Mission who called me to follow Him is the same Lord who has been guiding and sustaining me throughout these years”. Fr. Moises Albarina, a Comboni Missionary from the Philippines shares his vocation Continue reading →