Our life is full of choices: some regular and daily (but not less important) other extraordinary and that last a lifetime. Life is full of hard choices and the bigger they are and the more options they have, the harder Continue reading →
In the Gospels, we see several instances where Jesus does or says something that catches people by surprise. The evangelists then tell us: “And they were amazed.” Almost immediately, Jesus says: “Don’t be amazed!”
“If you are the Son of God, save yourself…and us “ (Read: Luke 23:32-49)
The journey that started at Bethlehem ends on Calvary. Here, the new image of God, of man, and life/death is completed. This is the point: God’s Continue reading →
“The experience at the Helwan girls’ school has been very enriching and has helped me passionately live my missionary vocation.” Sr Sarah Laker, a Comboni Missionary from Uganda, shares her experience.
Congolese Father Emmanuel Denima Darama has been teaching philosophy at the major seminary in Juba for ten years. He shares with us his ten years of teaching.
My mission is to teach philosophy at St. Paul’s Major Seminary in Juba, Continue reading →