Vocation is a special part of life. It is like a tiny seed that grows and blossoms. Romeo A. Boncales, a Filipino Comboni Theology student, explains how.
I lived in an environment of strong religiosity. I grew up in a Continue reading →
A short journey made up of small initiatives. “Testimony, meeting and service”. Sr. Natalia Moratinos of the Missionary Company of the Heart of Jesus tells us about it.
I arrived in Morocco in 2000 after 23 years of missionary life Continue reading →
This year Father Bonifacio Autentico Apaap, a Comboni Missionary from the Philippines will celebrate my 20th priesthood anniversary. He tells us about his vocation journey.
My vocation journey began many years ago. I was still in elementary school when Continue reading →
A missionary vocation that comes from the family. Commitment in the parish community. Contact with missionaries. Studies. A first experience as a priest among the Pokot. And now in Spain to study communications. Father Obwaya Justus Oseko, a 35-year-old Kenyan, Continue reading →
A group of young people in Ghana is embarking on an innovative initiative to infuse new meaning into the observance of Lent by engaging in environmental stewardship campaigns.
Under the banner of “Green Lent,” Fridays and Sundays throughout the forty-day Continue reading →
Our life is full of choices: some regular and daily (but not less important) other extraordinary and that last a lifetime. Life is full of hard choices and the bigger they are and the more options they have, the harder Continue reading →
In the Gospels, we see several instances where Jesus does or says something that catches people by surprise. The evangelists then tell us: “And they were amazed.” Almost immediately, Jesus says: “Don’t be amazed!”