Hermann Mahunan Djimini is a young Comboni Missionary from Cotonou, Benin. He was ordained a deacon on 9 February. He shares with us his feelings and his dreams.
I am the second of six children in a Catholic family. I Continue reading →
A journey of faith, trials and resilience: from a devout Catholic family to the priesthood as a passionate Comboni Missionary. Fr Clement Mutie Mbithi from Kenya talks about his vocation journey.
In the country of the cedars, dragged into the Middle Eastern conflict, two thousand Caritas volunteers take care of internally displaced people: more than a million, out of four and a half million inhabitants. “Among us, we are a family, Continue reading →
On borders everywhere in the world today we find refugees, millions of them. They’re easily demonized, seen as a nuisance, a threat, as invaders, as criminals fleeing justice in their homelands. But mostly they are decent, honest people fleeing poverty, Continue reading →
We belong to each other. We must not act as though we have no resources and energies to count on. Our intellectual heritages and spiritual traditions provide enormous valuable assets on which we can build. We are not helpless.
The guests are called, and bidden to the wedding. All that are within hearing of the joyful sound of the gospel, to them is the word of this invitation sent. The servants that bring the invitation Continue reading →