Our Father in heaven, holy is your name. We thank you for the gift of life, which is renewed every moment with your beauty. Your mercy, God, confirms your love.
In your hands are our destiny and our life. All-powerful Continue reading →
We have an ambiguous relationship to silence. There are times when we fear it and try to avoid it and there are other times when we are tired and over-stimulated and positively long for it. Generally, though, we have too Continue reading →
Alarmed by the pollution produced by the Konkola Copper Mines operation in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, Chilekwa Mumba organized a lawsuit to hold the mine’s parent company, Vedanta Resources, responsible.
He has inherited the legacy of his father, one of the few survivors of the genocide half a century ago, and represents a “people” that today numbers only 59 people.
Adriano and his few companions are so attached to his Continue reading →