From the unique solidarity of Christ and from His being ‘one for all’, comes the solidarity of ‘all for one’ and ‘all for all’: that is, a human being is in solidarity with oneself and with all others. Christ represents Continue reading →
Maria Cecilia Sierra Salcido is from Mexico and has been a Comboni Missionary Sister for 32 years. She has lived in many different countries. She shares her experiences with us. “The desert has become a sacred space for me.”
Franciscan brother Benedict Ayodi is one of the founders of the Laudato Si’ Movement. His mission in Kenya is to inspire people to join the cause of the environment.
Brother Benedict Ayodi is a Capuchin friar who, for some Continue reading →
“I am living out this service by trying to witness and share the beauty and joy of the Mission with these young women who wish to offer their lives as missionaries of the Gospel”. Sr. Salome Wangari, Kenyan, talks to Continue reading →