After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others, and sent them on ahead of Him, two by two, into every town and place where He Himself was about to come. (Luke 10: 1).
She is seated at a table while answering the children’s questions around the table, all busily creating decorations out of colored paper. Sr. Pillai, a member of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden, she is the secretary of Continue reading →
Sister Marie Claire Silatchom is a Dominican missionary of the Rosary, from Cameroon. With obvious enthusiasm, she tells us about her journey as a religious.
My religious and missionary vocation burned in my heart from an early age, fruit of Continue reading →
He said yes to the Comboni vocation. Initially, the choice was not clear. But by listening to the whispering inner voice, the journey to be a missionary was unstoppable.
I was born in Nchalo, Chikhwawa district in Malawi, on 16th Continue reading →
He received the appointment as auxiliary bishop with “fear and trembling”. But with a great desire to serve the church. We spoke about it with the Combonian Msgr. António Manuel Bogaio Constantino who was recently consecrated as auxiliary bishop of Continue reading →