Each one of us has received the gift of a specific vocation from God. However, our vocation depends on our choice to seek out and persevere on the path of discernment and vocational experience.
On 20 November 2022, Comboni Father Joseph Ambrosoli will be beatified in Kalongo in the north of Uganda. “God is love and I am his servant for the suffering people”.
A Filipino Comboni Missionary, Father Raul Tabaranza is developing his painting skills and is engaging in social media platforms to announce God’s love for humanity.
I worked as a missionary priest in Zambia for almost nine years, and the sceneries Continue reading →
It was in Matany hospital that the miracle that led to Father Ambrosoli being beatified took place., underlines what beatification means for the Karimojong people.
I was fortunate enough to meet the Blessed Priest and Doctor Joseph Ambrosoli when I Continue reading →