Everything was against her. Aminata Gaye – Mina ‘the veiled one’ is her stage name – was raised in a traditional Senegalese family, when she realised that music made her a self-confident person, she knew there was no way back. Continue reading →
Mitzi Jonelle Tan is a full-time climate justice activist based in Metro Manila, Philippines. She is the convenor and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), the Fridays For Future (FFF) of the Philippines.
Imagine people in a circle looking into each other’s eyes and gesticulating as they follow the frantic pace of their yembé, an African percussion instrument that has its origins in the Mandingo empire.
The ninth legislature began in Mozambique on 13 January 2020 and the 250 elected deputies took possession of their seats. Everything happened as usual except for a young deputy: Mércia Viriato Licá. At just 24, this young law graduate from Continue reading →
Every day we have to recognize and celebrate the miracle of life itself on this unique planet with millions of diverse amazing creatures making up wondrous biodiversity that exists nowhere else in the known universe.
On 21 June, the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, Andean cultures celebrate the new year. Fire, music, fruit and corn are the symbols. And open palms to thank and welcome.
On 21 June, the winter solstice, Andean cultures celebrate Continue reading →
Vocation has two-fold fundamental dimensions: on one hand, every vocation implies a personal conversion; on the other hand, a vocation is always linked to a mission.
When we think of vocation as a challenge to discern and to live, without Continue reading →