Since 1935, at Karak, in the poorest province of the country, the Comboni Sisters have been running a hospital for the poorest people, especially refugees.
Karak is an ancient city located on the top of the mountains that flank the Continue reading →
A new generation of climate activists is emerging on the continent. “We will be the decision-makers of tomorrow; it is now that we must take the lead.”
Ayakha Melithafa from South Africa, 20, wants to be the voice of people Continue reading →
What lies deepest inside authentic faith is the truth that God is the object of all human desire, no matter how earthy and unholy that desire might seem at times. This implies that everything we desire is contained in God. Continue reading →
Discerning a vocation, which is the fullness of life, is an educational process that does not include delays. It is always a struggle; it requires love and a willingness to walk.
False ideas about education often deceive us. First, education Continue reading →
Introduction: the text for our reflection at this time of the year is taken from Luke 18:31-32, which I titled “the journey to Jerusalem”. This is in preparation to the passion and the Resurrection of Jesus in our Lenten journey. Continue reading →
“I can say that God has given me the gift of knowing how to be among young people, from whom, moreover, I always learn new things”. Father Ramon Eguiluz talks about his experience as educator.