He was born in Dhornyal, Adok, in 1942. His father Nuor Liet and his mother Nyawat were not baptised at that time. The young Yoach Nuor grew up as a strong Nuer man and a warrior. He never thought, at Continue reading →
He was born on 20 July, 1966, in Panyiich, a village near Ganyliel. His parents were not baptised. He grew up like any other Nuer boy. At the age of thirteen he was initiated. Six lines were cut on his Continue reading →
Women have played important roles in the Catholic Church in Africa. They are the ones that carry on the most activities in the communities. Many of them are catechists. Mary Nyaluak Luny involves in the Church’s ministry.
He was born in 1940 in Tiam, in Leer County. During the first Anyanya war, James Duol lived with his family in Malakal. He was working as a guard in the prison of that town.