“I am totally paralysed, but I feel a fullness of mind and heart that surprises me, and I dream of an accomplishment that I have not yet experienced… This wheelchair has become the best of the pulpits for me”
Sr. Monica Luparello was born and raised in Palermo, Italy. After graduating in medicine and surgery, she entered the Congregation of the Comboni Missionary Sisters. She tells us her story.
From a tragic experience a new vocation was born. Ordination under the shadow of Coronavirus. The desire to work with young people. Father Opiyo Constanz, a Ugandan Comboni Missionary speaks with us about his vocation journey.
He specialised in Metallic Construction, shaping objects of copper and steel, because he wanted to improve the life of people around him. He ended up modelling young people who want to transform the world. A Comboni Brother Adossi Koffissan Matthias Continue reading →
Introduction: the text of John20:19-23, situates us in the event of Jesus’ resurrection where he appears to the spiritually dead disciples who were mourning the dead of his Master. An unexpectedly Jesus appears in their midst, greets them twice with Continue reading →
The founder of the Young Lawyers Association, Onyi Pipi, aims to equip young people with the confidence they need when dealing with the police. She explains.
The whole world has erupted in protests as it stands in solidarity with Continue reading →
This year World Mission Day will be celebrated on Sunday, 18 October. In his message, Pope Francis writes: “The missionary journey of the whole Church continues in light of the words found in the account of the calling of the Continue reading →
Vocation is a gift from God that reveals our authenticity. In this path of self-discovery and discernment, listening, dialogue and accompaniment are fundamental elements.
There is a common aspect to vocation. As Pope Francis says, it is “a gift from Continue reading →