To be a prophetic witness of Christ one does not necessarily need to go to faraway countries. Indeed, some do this among their own people. This was the case of Shabbaz Bhatti, an exemplary Christian.
“I believe in the force of the truth. I believe in what is called a moral liberating force,”. Dom Hélder Càmara , Archbishop of Olinda and Recife was one of the great prophets of the Catholic church.
Cardinal Van Thuan was arrested in 1975 and spent 13 years in prison, nine of them in solitary confinement in Hanoi. He used his time not only for personal prayer but also to write a reflection that continues to inspire. Continue reading →
On 23 October 1996, Bukavu, he was captured by the forces of the AFDL (Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo) of Laurent Kabila. The rebels killed him. The streets were deserted, the people were holed up in Continue reading →
One century after his death as a martyr, the priest who brought the Gospel to Islamic lands and lived among the Tuareg people in the Algerian desert will soon be proclaimed a saint.
Introduction: John 14:7-14, exposes the disciples’ deep desire to see God which is stirred by Jesus in the previous text when Jesus says “I am going to prepare a place for you”… “so that where I am you may be Continue reading →