Youth is a time of discovery, but it is also a time in which young people sometimes refuse to grow out of their adolescent tendencies and other times accept to grow up into adulthood. Both stages are part and parcel Continue reading →
Pedro Casaldáliga, Bishop emeritus of São Félix do Araguaia in Brazil, a fervent defender of the indigenous people of the Amazon and one of the best-known exponents of liberation theology, has died at the age of 92. Another way of Continue reading →
Imprisoned at the age of seventy-five for participating in a non-violent demonstration, Dorothy Day spent her whole life in solidarity with the poor, working from her youth to improve the standard of life for the ordinary workers of America. She Continue reading →
He was a 28-year-old aid worker who was gunned down in Somalia in 1993. He had worked on missions in Liberia and for the UN in Somalia. A passionate opponent of the illegal arms trade he was killed by bullets Continue reading →