The Union of Superiors General of Catholic Religious Sisters launched the “Sowing Hope for the Planet” campaign two years ago. Sister Sheila Kinsey, its coordinator spoke to us about the project.
Introduction: John 13:1-20 is a preamble of the following chapters 14-17, it starts with Jesus sharing the last supper meal with his disciples followed by his farewell discourse and continues with it throughout 15-17 chapters. In this Lectio Divina we Continue reading →
A comprehensive survey of Africa’s youth – the African Youth Survey 2020 –has just revealed a rising Afro-Optimism among the continent’s youth driven by a strong sense of individual responsibility, a post-colonial mind set, entrepreneurship, and confidence in a shared Continue reading →
What a challenging world we live in. Half the people on the planet are cowering inside their homes and shelters. Many are in fear of Coronavirus, too nervous to go out. The poor are hungry, millions are unemployed, the economy Continue reading →