Filipino Comboni missionary, Father Moises Estacio has spent the first 13 years of his missionary life in Taipei, Taiwan.He shares his experience with us.
The first challenge that I had to face was learning the language: Mandarin Continue reading →
“I was searching for a direction in my life, a direction which I hoped, could lead me somewhere closer to God…I was searching for this presence with the wrong initial perspectives… and it took me a while to understand that Continue reading →
Perseverance and Faithfulness will carry us all the way long. All is a gift from God. Be grateful, do what you can and remain faithful to the call of Jesus. That will bring you to the good end. A Comboni Continue reading →
“The medical care offered to the sick is more than a profession; it is the fulfilment of my missionary vocation. The work of a doctor is a mean to manifest the love of God for people, especially the most vulnerable Continue reading →
Introduction: Our Lectio Divina for this month is focused on the theme: “Christmas a missionary event per excellence”. There are three texts we shall use for our Lectio Divina: two from Luke 1:26-38 and 2:1-20; and one from the Continue reading →
During the Synod for Amazonia, we heard stories of young Indios who struggle against environmental exploitation, in recognition of their own identity, and they want to create an alliance with the young people of the West.La The earth Continue reading →
Hence, God’s voice is inside of many things that are not explicitly connected to faith and religion, just as God’s voice is also not in everything that masquerades as religious. Here are some principles to help us discern God’s voice Continue reading →
What is spirituality and what makes for different spiritualities? The word spirituality is relatively new within the English-speaking world, at least in terms of how it is being used today. Prior to the 1960s you would have found very few Continue reading →