Introduction: The text of John 11:1-37, starts with the description of a sick man, Lazarus, and ends with the conquest of Jesus of over death. The text is reach in dialogues which one can identify with: Jesus and the Apostles, Continue reading →
Originally from the Argentine, Mons. José Luis Gerardo Ponce de León has for five years been Bishop of Manzini in the Kingdom of Eswatini, the former Swaziland. He shares his experience with us.
A Camillian and also professor at the University of Ouagadougou, Father Jacques Simporè assists the sick and most neglected. He has always worked with tenacity against the spread of HIV decimating the country.
Comboni Brother Juan Carlos Salgado, a medical doctor, has the joy of serving the poor and needy at Bondo hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He shares with us his experience.
A Catholic nurse dedicates her life to Meeting Point International, an association that takes care of more than two thousand orphans and HIV positive women.
Kireka is one of the slums of Kampala, the Ugandan capital. It is Continue reading →