Father Jemboy Caspis from the Philippines talked to us.
I remember very well the difficult situation I found myself in when I felt God was calling me to a religious vocation. Being the only child of my parents, I Continue reading →
Father Gordon Rees from South Africa shares his missionary journey and experiences.
I am the fourth child of seven (4 brothers and 2 sisters), I am also blessed with 5 nephews and 4 nieces, as well as 6 great-nephews and Continue reading →
A Comboni Sister Maria José Carrero Viñas from Spain shares his vocation journey.
At birth, I was named Maria José after my paternal grandmother. I was seven years old when the missionary who had arrived at the parish on World Continue reading →
The journey from the head to the heart is only 8 inches long, yet many people do not quite make it in their lifetime. This journey happens when we take the road of humility and value kindness, respect, and love. Continue reading →
We’re called to “live in the light”, but we tend to have an overly romantic idea of what that should mean. We tend to think that to live in the light means that there should be a kind of special Continue reading →
The passage follows the story of the Good Samaritan with the same theme of welcoming. Jesus is received with criticism in the house of Pharisees (Lc 7:36ff; Lc 14:1ff), and in the house of sinners with joy (Lc 5:27ff; Lc Continue reading →