Introduction: The text of John 8:1-11, shows us all without any distinction or discrimination the unlimited Compassion, Mercy and Love of God through his Son Jesus who has come not to condemn the world but to save it (Jn 3:17). Continue reading →
The path of vocational discernment is a discovery of ourselves, of the dream of God for our lives and of the brothers and sisters who accompany us. It is done in freedom and leads to true happiness.
We need more citizens and Christians who are ready to inhabit this world with freedom, embrace it with the compassion and the care for others demonstrated by Jesus, always with an inner joy in spite of the insecurity and fears, Continue reading →
The students are on the streets, waving banners, banging drums, singing, chanting, and calling for an end to the causes driving climate change that is wrecking the planet. They see the global warming caused by huge amounts of CO2 and Continue reading →
Blessed Lucien Botovasoa was born in 1908 in Vohipeno, a small village in the Diocese of Farafangana, on the southeastern coast of Madagascar, more than one thousand kilometres from the nation’s capital. His parents were poor farmers, like many others Continue reading →
Forty years ago, Father Tansi concluded his pilgrimage here on earth. The legacy of this outstanding Nigerian priest and monk challenges the Church to be ever more faithful to its identity and mission.