A series of miracles happened in the last two years; now we are in front of the new Anna’s House, an unequivocal monument to the love and generosity of the people. It will welcome the poor and remind everyone of Continue reading →
Two Comboni Lay Missionaries share with us their experience in Peru. “There is nothing that cannot be given, shared with all those who walk side by side with us. It is a lot that we are not alone, and that Continue reading →
The war has transformed the work of many religious people in Syria. Sr. Demerjian Annie’s congregation of Jesus and Mary in Aleppo has helped hundreds of families survive the war. One of the bloodiest battles of the conflict was fought Continue reading →
Kamiti penitentiary in the outskirts of Nairobi hosts more than 4,200 detainees. The Consolata Missionary Sisters are committed to a programme of training for the young prisoners.
Standing in front of the main entrance to Kamiti penitentiary, the visitor Continue reading →
Hundreds children are begging in the streets of Kampala City.A Comboni missionary, Father John Bosco Mubangizi has launched a project “Karamoja Streets Kids”. Respect, protection and future for these children. He explains us the initiative.
Introduction: in John 4:1-42, Jesus meets a woman of Samaria. The verses 1-4, John not only introduces the story of Jesus’ relationship with the woman of Samaria but he gives the reason why he left Judea and decided to go Continue reading →