Luke shows us how the risen Lord is still present today in our lives as believers and how we can encounter Him. The two pilgrims symbolize the journey of the church. They change their hearts, faces, and paths when they Continue reading →
“If you are the Son of God, save yourself…and us “ (Read: Luke 23:32-49)
The journey that started at Bethlehem ends on Calvary. Here, the new image of God, of man, and life/death is completed. This is the point: God’s Continue reading →
“In Antioch, the disciples were for the first time, called Christians.”
(Read Acts of the Apostles 11: 19-30)
In the beginning, the Apostles were addressed to Jews and proselytes of Jerusalem. Later, some Hellenists (emigrant Jews) who had converted to Continue reading →
“Come to my house and stay” – (Read Acts 15:36-16:15)
Europe’s first church is born ‘by chance’ and it is all feminine. The race of the Word, which started at Jerusalem, reached Judea and Samaria. After the encounter between Peter Continue reading →
From the unique solidarity of Christ and from His being ‘one for all’, comes the solidarity of ‘all for one’ and ‘all for all’: that is, a human being is in solidarity with oneself and with all others. Christ represents Continue reading →
“You will be my witnesses.” – Read Acts of the Apostles 1: 6–8
“Missionary” and “apostle” are terms that come from Latin and Greek, respectively, and they mean “sent” and “envoy”. We think that these words evoke far distant lands Continue reading →
The harvest is ripe wheat. It is necessary and urgent to harvest it in time so that it may become bread. You cannot harvest it ahead of time or behind time. In the first case, it is unripe and useless; Continue reading →
After the encounter at night with Nicodemus, the man of the law, and John, the prophet, Jesus meets a woman of Samaria. It is not the female version of the same journey of faith. If Nicodemus and John represent Israel’s Continue reading →