God gives each thing the capacity to be itself. To human beings, He gives much more: Himself as Father, making them His children, similar to Himself. Creation is a continuous action. Like the water gushing out always new from a Continue reading →
To dare to live one’s vocation is to accept setting out on a journey, going with those who can guide us on the journey, and responding with hope in the face of difficulties. To the urgency of vocation, there has Continue reading →
Faced with the challenges of vocational discernment, it is necessary to go out to others and to open the doors so that our life can be authentically fulfilled and bear fruit for the good of all.
The path of dialogue appears to be the true means for vocational discernment and personal fulfillment.
The present time is full of uneasiness, fear, and doubt about the future. First, it was two years of a pandemic that still continues Continue reading →
Each one of us has received the gift of a specific vocation from God. However, our vocation depends on our choice to seek out and persevere on the path of discernment and vocational experience.
The discernment process will always go through a relationship with people who have already gone through the same thing as us, and who live the same dream.
No one is happy alone, nor is individualism and/or isolation the path to Continue reading →