The path of vocational discernment is challenging, made up of doubts, encounters and demands, because vocation is an experience of love and love is demanding.
“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? The Continue reading →
There are two fundamental aspects linked to the upcoming Synod of Bishops on young people and discernment which seem to have been omitted in many of our analyses, perhaps because of an over- simplification of the subject. First and foremost Continue reading →
Vocation is a light for life insofar as it guides and gives direction to our decisions and behaviors. It is also a guide of what we are and what we long to be.
A text of John’s Gospel gives us the description of the first meeting of two disciples with Jesus. It is a classic, a must-read at the beginning of this series of meetings with Jesus and reflections on the missionary vocation Continue reading →
To seek the meaning of life is to discern the vocation not only from what we are, but also from what we want to be. Only God gives us the gift of a meaning that goes beyond the troubled circumstances Continue reading →
Vocation, like life, is a path marked by stages, successes and failures. The decisive moment is always the unforeseen encounter with God, in which love rescues us from selfishness, calls us and sends us to our brothers and sisters on Continue reading →
All cultures and traditions have highly venerated tombs that go thousands of years back. The remains of kings or religious and cultural ancestors are preserved with immense reverence. These stand out among the living to give them historical identity and Continue reading →