August is the time of Pachamama, Mother Earth (also Pacha Mama or Mama Pacha) for the Quechua and Aymara cultures in Bolivia. During the preceding months, the earth took a break in the agricultural cycle, it slept… it is dry Continue reading →
The “Good Living” is an integral way of perceiving and living life: everything is interconnected and interdependence is the key to ensuring that everyone lives a full life.
The mystique of good living is rooted in community myths that narrate Continue reading →
On 21 June, the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, Andean cultures celebrate the new year. Fire, music, fruit and corn are the symbols. And open palms to thank and welcome.
On 21 June, the winter solstice, Andean cultures celebrate Continue reading →
In the Central Latin-American tradition, devotion is strong to Our Lady with the child Jesus in her arms. The people have made it their duty in their daily life.
More than ever before, the call for dialogue and collaboration has heightened. Our Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous and Digital (VUCAD) world requires working towards greater simplicity and clarity in the way we dialogue and collaborate.
What lies deepest inside authentic faith is the truth that God is the object of all human desire, no matter how earthy and unholy that desire might seem at times. This implies that everything we desire is contained in God. Continue reading →
Many things divide us: language, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, politics, ideology, personal history, temperament, private wounds, moral judgments.
It is hard to see people who are different from us as brothers and sisters, loved and valued by God in the Continue reading →
Peace is a gift from God. In the Old Testament there is a beautiful blessing entrusted to Moses by God: “May Yahweh bless you and keep you. May Yahweh let his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Continue reading →
Have you ever seen the sun set upon the sea, The migrating birds fly in formation proud? Have you ever seen the mighty forest and heard the birds sing clear and loud?