Vocation is the key to the universe. Everything exists thanks to God’s calling: “He sends the light, and it goes; he recalls it, and trembling it obeys. The stars shine joyfully at their posts; When he calls them, they answer, Continue reading →
The latest letter of Pope Francis, his Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti “Brothers and Sisters All,” is one that should touch every heart, stimulate our minds, awaken our conscience, warm our emotions and motivate us to do good and make this a Continue reading →
This year World Mission Day will be celebrated on Sunday, 18 October. In his message, Pope Francis writes: “The missionary journey of the whole Church continues in light of the words found in the account of the calling of the Continue reading →
One may define gratitude as “the quality of being thankful.” Alternatively, we can think of it as an attitude, emotion, personal trait, or behavioural practice.
However, it is conceived, the quality of being grateful is a foundational component of daily Continue reading →
It might surprise you to hear that changing the world is easier than you think, and it isn’t limited to huge protests or daring feats. It starts with us.
Christians from the earliest times have well understood the significance of a rainbow and, to this day, unquestioning believers can readily exchange knowing glances to counter the perplexity forged on the faces of the doubters.
Each spirituality has its own route. Any journey that takes you towards God will demand some vigorous asceticism, some real fasting, a real purification and a disciplined ordering of the countless, obsessive feelings and desires that act through us.
What a challenging world we live in. Half the people on the planet are cowering inside their homes and shelters. Many are in fear of Coronavirus, too nervous to go out. The poor are hungry, millions are unemployed, the economy Continue reading →
The Resurrection of the Lord marked a radical new beginning in the history of humankind. That special event, which is related to the first day of creation (Gen 1: 1-5), is the foundation of our faith and discipleship.
During this season of Lent, Pope Francis invites the faithful and in particular the young people to fix their eyes on the crucified Lord, and allow ourselves “to be saved over and over again.”