Listen to the scriptures with the ‘ear of your heart’

Introduction: our fifth ‘Lectio Divina’ follows the topic of the previous month, from the same Gospel of Mark 6:45-52, 

Initial Prayer
Lord God, 

Open our hearts and minds

to understand and see all that 

your Son Jesus does and says 

to us in our daily life;

do not permit us to harden our hearts. 



‘Lectio Divina’ 

  1. Read the Gospel of Mark 6:45-52 read it slowly and listen attentively to the scriptures with the ‘ear of your heart’. What word, sentence or phrase stands out for you? [spend 2 min of silence]
  1. Reflect: read the passage again and pay attention of what touches you; why is it meaningful for you. What thought or reflection comes to you.  [spend 2 min of silence]
  1. Respond: read the passage again and this time respond spontaneously to the word of God. In other words, make a dialogue with God what comes from within you. What gift does this passage lead me to ask for from the Lord? [spend 2 min of silence]
  1. Stay with the Word: read the passage a final time and rest in the word. Allow God to speak to you in deep silence. Don’t say anything just listen to God’s words. What is He saying? [spend 5 min of silence]
  1. Take now the word, sentence or phase, into your daily life/activity; allow it to become part of you. Always listen to it, reflect on it, pray over it and rest on it as time allows during the day. Then allow the Word lead you action. 

Concluding your ‘Lectio Divina’ with the ‘Our Father’…  

Introduction: After feeding the crowds (the miracle of the loaves Mk 6:30-44)) Jesus said good bye to the people and made the disciples get into a boat, meanwhile he went to a quiet place to pray. It seemed everything was perfectly Ok for the disciples, but, like the previous passage (Mk 4:35-41) after the healings and receiving instructions they still became afraid of the storm despite Jesus’ presence among them. In this text Mark points out another weakness of the disciples the hardened of their hearts; they were unable to understand what really happened at the feeding of the crowds and fail to see the signs of Jesus’ divine Sonship.

Central Message: Jesus saw his disciple worn out with rowing against the wind. He walked on the lake towards them but they were terrified for they thought it was a ghost. ‘It is I!’ said Jesus, but they did not recognise him. 

Reflection: a) “Jesus saw his disciples worn out’. Mark describes the physical and emotional state of the disciples perhaps to emphasise the confusion they may have created in their minds and as a consequence the failure to recognise Jesus as a Son of God: “who can this be” (Mk 4:41), “they thought it was a ghost” (Mk 6:49). All the extraordinary happenings, the work of distributing the loaves and the fish among five thousand people and quite right too to be sent to the lake where they found themselves rowing against the wind they all end up worn out with fear and confusion: “their minds were closed”. But Jesus surprises them as he walks on the waters of the sea their lives and of our own lives too, he comes to save and assure us of His divine presence and power. Courage! It is I! (‘I am who I am’ Ex 3:15) Don’t be afraid, he says.  How many times we find ourselves worn out, rowing against the current of life: years of unfruitful work, criticisms, bulling, the unresolved problems of our life, the tragedies and sad events that occur in our families and one’s own life, etc. Perhaps those events would make us more aware of the saving presence of Jesus (the Saviour) and his power in our lives; for he always comes to calm the sea of our life bringing peace and hope for better moments in his presence. 

b) Courage! It is I! They are very comforting and encouraging words. Jesus knows well all kinds of situations of our life He never abandons us but gives us courage, strength and wisdom to confront and overcome them. His presence is stronger than anything that is against us because His very presence saves us. ‘It is I!’ (I am your Saviour). Put your trust in Jesus! 

Some questions for our reflexion:

  1. What are your stormy and contrary winds in your life? What do you do to overcome them?
  2. What do you do when you fail to recognise Jesus in the sea of your life?

"Lectio Divina", a Latin term, means "divine reading" and describes a way of reading the Scriptures. Open ourselves to what God wants to say to us.

Any Questions? Keep in touch!

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Father Rubén Padilla Rocha