Vocation is a challenge, a mission of continuous discovery that is marked by discernment and lived in communion.
The first step of vocational discernment itself is not an easy moment. Love is always demanding! It always implies the going out of oneself and the reaching out towards the other. This challenge of getting out of oneself guides all vocational paths.
No one is happy alone, and in this sense the path to happiness carries with it the daily challenge of going beyond one’s whims and self-centeredness. To some extent, it is an incessant missionary challenge, since without God, strength fades and the ability to love dissipates.
Fidelity to one’s vocation is, first of all, fidelity to God’s love. In Him there are no insurmountable obstacles or impossible paths. Only choices that, in spite of being difficult, are the path to reach the goal we dream of that is within God’s horizon.
Many times, we look at the lives of the saints and, without realizing it, we look at them as if they were superheroes, full of superhuman powers that allow them to do great things! How wrong we are to think so! Human life is not made of fantasies. Human life radiates the miracle of the divine, but never in an isolated way.
Life implies action, purpose, and meaning! If we think of life from a Christian perspective, we can always speak of it as a mission.
The common vocation of every Christian is precisely the mission of always loving everything and everyone. The vocation experience should never be understood as something stagnant nor as something that is going to happen somewhere in the future. Rather, it is a mission of constant discovery, always marked by discernment and always lived in communion with our brothers and sisters (never in an individualistic way!).
There is no vocation for superheroes, but for human beings who dare to embrace within themselves the gift and strength of God, only able to manifest Himself in the gestures of love and service for humanity.