Human beings by nature have a unique call, which needs to be rediscovered so they live life to the full. Call by itself is the gift of God. Therefore, in order to make it a meaningful call one must grasp and respond to it an appropriate way. This demands the ability to recapture your genuine call with a clear conscience then there is an assurance of its abundance fruit. This platform facilitate one’s call to achieve its purpose and leads you to have a successful life.
In this short reflection, I would like to call the attention of “young adults”. Why do you need to rediscover your own genuine call? It is interesting to look at the young adults who lives in this twenty-first century. This generation is experiencing dynamic cultural changes and at times, young adults cannot cope with them. Young adults are living in a very complex world, which has its own challenges. Information technology has a significant impact on daily life, which has positive and negative aspects. Unless you rediscover your call and engage yourself for the purpose, why are you here on earth? It is true that you can live your call but the quality of life will be different. It is not the resource or the wisdom that one has but it is the way that you rediscover your call and actualise it in your daily life. Living your authentic call allows you to have a flavour and a meaningful life. Then you become a salt of the earth Matthew 5:13.
Actually, you are responsible for your own call and you should not allow anyone to control you. Some situation it mighty lead you astray. Remember there are many roads, which leads you to easier pass through the wider roads. There is idiomatic expression, which says, “A tail and regret comes after”. Prevention is better than cure. Even though there is no one formative way of doing things you have to follow your own personal integrated feeling above of all your own genuine call otherwise, the life would be as hard as stone. Having said that we all appreciate the new scientifically discoveries and many developments which are taking place in different parts of the world.
The external things attract most of the time young adults without considering the consequences. Then they find themselves in a very difficult situation. Therefore, every things needs moderation and prudence. “Life is not a game but it is a call”. Nowadays, there is a belief that the young people are free to do whatever they want. At times, it is not fair to abuse your freedom; it might leads you to darkness where there is no more light. Often people make comments about young adults because they see them engaging in various events, which is good. Sometime you join your age group for socialising but make sure your aim and call is very different. Therefore, always be alert and look around yourself, do not rush but take time to breathe. This firmness endure you to stick to your genuine call. It is very easy to fall and enter to irreversible circumstance therefore; you need to be crafty in order to pursue your true call. The idea of socialising with your age group is good but the intention and the reality urges you to rediscover your call. The call of God is beyond the human comprehension therefore you had to seek for God’s guidance.
Look at the first Book of Samuel Chapter 3:1-10 “The Calls of Samuel”. Samuel did not understand the call of God until he rediscovered the true voice of God. This authentic voice of God allowed him to listen to God’s voice then he rediscovered his own personal call. Through listing to God’s words, we learn more from God as well as from other people. Jesus called His disciples to follow him and they rediscovered their own call and lived it to the full. There are various calls that are indispensable in our lives. Furthermore, life by itself is a call. Priesthood life, Religious life, Monastic life, Missionary Life, Married life, Single life, Civil life with many careers these are the gift of God when we rediscover and respond to it in appropriate ways. Some are peacemakers, leaders, teachers, patients, doctors’ and public servants. We all have our own calls if we use them for the positive constructive purposes.
St. Paul says in the letter to the Ephesians, 4:1 “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received”.
Ecclesiastes 11:7-9 “serve God while you are young”.
Young adults, you must seriously respond to your own genuine call through upholding your life in upright way. Then you will become an asset in your societies. You could be a role model for other young adults. Why don’t you come on-board to play a role?